Additional Residential Units
The Township of Springwater allows for up to two accessory residential units on certain properties, as per our Additional Residential Units By-law Amendment. An Additional Residential Unit is a smaller, separate living space located on the same property as an existing house, such as a basement or a detached structure.
Registered Additional Residential Units
All Additional Residential Units are to be registered with the Township of Springwater. Additional Residential Units are automatically registered with the Township after a building permit is obtained and passes its final inspection.
A secondary address will be assigned to the additional unit as per the Townships Municipal Addressing By-law (By-law No. 96-066).
View Map: Additional Residential Units
The Township of Springwater's Zoning By-law controls the use and development of properties and buildings. The Zoning By-law implements policies set out in our Official Plan by placing properties into categories such as residential, commercial, industrial, institutional and agricultural. For more information about your project as it pertains to Zoning, please contact
3.48 Additional Residential Units
3.48.1 Any Additional Residential Unit shall be developed in accordance with the following provisions:
a. Additional Residential Units shall be permitted on lands zoned to permit a single detached, semi-detached, townhouse dwelling or located within a detached accessory building on the same lot as the Primary Dwelling.
b. A maximum of two Additional Residential Units shall be permitted on a lot, one within the same Building as the Primary Dwelling and one located in a detached accessory building to the Primary Dwelling.
c. In accordance with the off-street parking requirements for a residential use, two (2) parking spaces per Additional Residential Unit is required to be provided and maintained on site for the sole use of the occupant of an additional residential unit and may include tandem parking spaces.
d. Additional Residential Units shall be appropriately serviced and shall comply with all applicable health and safety standards, including but not limited to those set out in the Ontario Building Code and the Ontario Fire Code.
e. Additional Residential Units shall not be permitted on a lot that is used for a Bed and Breakfast or Group Home.
f. Additional Residential Units shall not be permitted within the Residential Seasonal (RS) Zone.
g. A separate entrance shall be required for the Additional Residential Unit and shall be located on the rear or side of the Primary Dwelling; this does not limit the ability to utilize existing entrances on the front main wall of the Primary Dwelling.
h. A home occupation shall not be permitted within an Additional Residential Unit.
3.48.2 Additional Residential Unit within a Primary Dwelling |
a. The Additional Residential Unit within a Primary Dwelling shall not exceed 40% of the Gross Floor Area of the Primary Dwelling. b. Notwithstanding the above provision, if the proposed Additional Residential Unit is to be located in the lower half (basement) of the Primary Dwelling, the unit shall not exceed 50% of the Gross Floor Area of the Primary Dwelling. c. A separate entrance shall be required for the Additional Residential Unit and shall be located on the rear or side of the Primary Dwelling; this does not limit the ability to utilize existing entrances on the front main wall of the Primary Dwelling. d. All other provisions of the respective zones are complied with. |
3.48.3 Additional Residential Unit within an Accessory Building |
a. The additional residential unit within a detached accessory building shall not exceed 40% of the Total Gross Floor Area of the Primary Dwelling to a maximum of the permitted accessory building floor area for the applicable zone or a maximum of 115 m2 (1,238 ft2), whichever is the lesser. b. The floor area calculation will include the Gross Floor Area of the Detached Accessory Building when utilized for an Additional Residential Unit and will include any parking areas. c. The maximum Building Height of an Additional Residential Unit contained within a Detached Accessory Building is two (2) storeys and shall not exceed the height of the Primary Dwelling. d. The applicable setbacks for the Primary Dwelling within the applicable zone applies to an Additional Residential Unit contained within a Detached Accessory Building on a Residential Lot. e. An Additional Residential Unit in a Detached Accessory Building may occupy a Yard other than a Front Yard or required Exterior Side Yard. f. Notwithstanding the above provision, in the Agricultural (A), Residential Conversion (RC) Zones, an Additional Residential Unit contained within a Detached Accessory Building may be located in the Front Yard of the Primary Dwelling and the unit shall comply with the applicable Front Yard setback requirements for the Primary Dwelling. g. A minimum of 1.5 metres shall be provided between the Additional Residential Dwelling unit in a Detached Accessory Building on the same lot and any other structures permitted on the lot. h. Crawlspace foundations are permitted in an Additional Residential Unit to be located in Detached Accessory Building for the purposes of containing mechanical/utility equipment (heating, cooling, plumbing, electrical), provided the same does not allow for human habitation and that same foundation does not exceed 1.8 metres in total height. Crawlspace foundations are not included in the floor area of the Additional Residential Unit. i. All other provisions of the respective zones are complied with. |
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