The Township of Springwater regulates municipal water and wastewater systems and rates through our Water By-law and Wastewater By-law. We issue water and wastewater bills on a quarterly basis for residential accounts and monthly for multi-residential and commercial accounts.
Meter readings
Our contractor, Wamco Waterworks, reads residential water meters four times per year in early May, August, November and February in Anten Mills, Midhurst, Centre Vespra, Snow Valley and a portion of Hillsdale and Phelpston that have new meters. The February billing for all remaining areas will be estimated based on your average usage over the prior two years. The Township reads water meters for commercial properties and apartment buildings monthly.
Payment and account changes
You must pay your water or wastewater bill by the due date. A late payment charge applies to all past due bills at a rate of 1.25% each month. Failure to pay your bill may result in the disconnection of water.
Rates and service fees
User charges fund the operating and capital costs of municipal water and wastewater systems.
Water rates |
Effective February 1, 2024. Fixed rates
Consumption chargesWe base the water consumption charge off of usage during the previous three-month period for residential buildings and one-month period for multi-residential and commercial buildings.
Wastewater rates |
Effective February 1, 2024. Fixed rates
Consumption chargesWe base the wastewater consumption charge off of usage during the previous three-month period for residential buildings and one-month period for multi-residential and commercial buildings. The constant consumption rate is $2.97 per m3/month and will not increase with use. |
Service fees |
The below service fees may apply:
To view all of the Fees and Charges for the Township, visit our Fees and Charges page. |
Background study |
The current Water and Wastewater Rate Study forms our utility rates. The study delivers a long-term water and wastewater financial recovery plan to fund:
Necessary adjustments to the utility rates are required to cover these costs. Consultants provide an updated study every few years. |
Water account information
Mailing address change |
To change your mailing address, please submit a completed change of address form by email to the Finance Department. |
Change of ownership |
If you are purchasing or selling a property, please complete the notice of move form. |
Tenant information |
To have a copy of the water/wastewater bill redirected to a tenant, the water/wastewater tenant agreement form must be completed by both the owner and tenant, and returned to Finance Department.
Please note, an owner who has opted to have rates billed directly to a tenant, is not relieved from the financial responsibility of said charges should a tenant default in payment. When a tenant vacates a property, either the tenant or the property owner may complete the notice of move form to have the bill redirected to the property owner. |
Payment options |
Pay your water/wastewater in any of the following ways:
PAD plans will not withdraw final water/wastewater bills automatically. |
Paperless billing and e-service options |
My Springwater is an online self-service platform that allows residents to sign up for paperless billing notifications, view their water/wastewater account balance and make payments online. To sign up:
You will need a copy of your water/wastewater bill showing your account number and customer ID to register. |
Water meters
How to read your water meter |
The water meter is typically located in the basement or crawlspace area of your home. Look for the water meter near your hot water heater, water softener or furnace. There are two main style of water meters, an analog water meter or a digital water meter.
For digital water meters, open the flap at the top and record the digital numbers from left to right. This is the water meter reading. Note: The circle below the meter reading is a leak indicator. If the circle has a plus sign within it, there is constant water movement going through the meter. This may be a small or large amount of water. To find or track your leak, refer to the leak detection section below.
Any water that passes through the water meter is charged to your utility account. This includes water that is consumed by a leak.
Water meter readings are obtained every three (3) months for residential properties and every month for business and multi-residential properties.
The Township of Springwater now allows you to submit a water meter reading online.
Leak detection |
Digital meters have a built in leak detector. If the circle located under the water meter has a plus sign within it, there is a constant flow of water going through the meter. This may be a small or large amount of water.
High water consumption |
A sudden rise in the amount of your bill may be due to several reasons, such as:
If you see a sudden rise in your bill, you may have a leak in your private plumbing system. All water use, including water consumed by leaks, is your responsibility and will be charged to your utility account.
Due to the higher demand on watering systems during warmer months, outdoor watering restrictions are in place from June 1 to September 15 each year. The increased consumption leads to decreased potable water reserves and low water pressure. In extreme cases, it puts the water system at risk and makes it difficult to fight a fire. |
Water & Wastewater Master Plan
The Township of Springwater is undertaking a Water and Wastewater Master Plan to evaluate current and future servicing needs. The plan will align with the Township’s Official Plan and its mission of supporting development in designated areas, maintaining community characteristics, and preserving natural heritage.
The plan will be completed in accordance with the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) Master Plan process (Municipal Engineers Association, March 2023) and will evaluate alternative solutions, recommending preferred solutions in consultation with the public, Indigenous communities, and agencies.
If you have incurred costs or damages for which you believe the Township of Springwater may be responsible, you may consider your claim through our online reporting tool. In some cases, you are required to place the Township of Springwater on notice within 10 days of the accident.
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