The Township of Springwater is a growing community. Find an overview of current development projects of particular public interest below. For more information on current development, please contact the Planning Department.
Our Residential Growth Map shows areas throughout Springwater where residential development is planned.
Midhurst Development
The Midhurst Secondary Plan guides development in Midhurst and identifies areas for growth and expansion. The study looks at all service aspects of future development including municipal water, wastewater, traffic, environmental considerations and other impacts.
Our Midhurst Secondary Plan overview and set of frequently asked questions provide more information on the Midhurst Secondary Plan. You can also view a timeline of the Midhurst Secondary Plan to see how the development unfolded over time. To view public notices issued about the project visit the Road and Sidewalks page.
Midhurst Secondary Plan Map |
Midhurst Secondary Plan Environmental Assessment |
Phase 1 and 2 Water, Wastewater & Transportation Master PlanFollowing the approval of the Midhurst Secondary Plan (OPA 38), the Township completed a Master Plan for the provisions of water, wastewater and transportation upgrades to accommodate future growth in the Midhurst area. The purpose of the Master Plan is to plan and provide preliminary design for the water, wastewater and transportation projects to service the anticipated population growth. Phase 3 and 4 Environmental Study ReportIn March 2020, the final Phase 3 and 4 Environmental Study Report of the Class Environmental Assessment Planning Process was completed. This report identifies the specific water, wastewater and transportation infrastructure that will be necessary to accommodate the development of the Midhurst Secondary Plan, in accordance with the Phase 1 and 2 Water, Wastewater and Transportation Master Plan.
Midhurst Environmental Assessment: Phase 3 & 4In September 2018, the Township of Springwater submitted Phase 3 & 4 of the EA to the MECP to determine specific water, wastewater and transportation infrastructure requirements to accommodate future growth within the Midhurst Secondary Plan. The MECP received five Part II Order requests, asking that the Township prepare individual environmental assessments for all the projects proposed in the EA. On November 21, 2019 the Township received correspondence from Minister Jeff Yurek indicating that an individual environmental assessment would not be required, however conditions have been imposed on the municipality with respect to the projects in the Environmental Assessment. The Township of Springwater is of the opinion that the conditions imposed by the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks have been satisfied. A letter was submitted requesting that the Ministry confirm the Township’s position regarding the fulfillment of the conditions to permit the construction of the Carson Road Stage 1 infrastructure. On November 25, 2020, the Ministry responded and advised that the conditions have been met and infrastructure works are permitted to proceed. |
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