The Training Division delivers quality training and safety programs in a cost-efficient manner to comply with established laws, regulations and standards. Ongoing training prepares our department to serve our community in an efficient, effective and professional manner, while ensuring personal safety in our service delivery. This is accomplished by:
- Coordinating training activities to ensure compliance with National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards and legal requirements;
- Delivering meaningful and realistic training while ensuring personal safety;
- Encouraging individual and extended external training;
- Evaluating the training level of individual members and firefighter/rescue teams;
- Maintaining complete and comprehensive training records;
- Planning and coordinating training with partner organizations, and;
- Remaining constant learners of the fire service.
Mission & Vision Statements |
Mission Statement: To provide ongoing training, development, education and certification to our fire service members. Vision Statement: To be nationally recognized as an all-hazards, all-risk service provider by developing and maintaining strategic community partnerships, training exception people, as well as developing efficiency safely in training standards and competencies. |
Training Programs |
Springwater Fire schedules monthly basic and advanced firefighter training. Some of these training topics include, fire operations, hazardous material response, vehicle extrication, wildland firefighting, rapid intervention, hazard mitigation, and firefighter safety & survival techniques. All in-house training is designed to meet NFPA 1001 Standards and certification requirements. The Training Division provides instruction and certification for the following National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Training Standards:
The Training Division provides both in-class and drill training to review life-saving skills and present new information to the members of the Department. In order to maintain a high degree of readiness, all personnel are required to participate in regular monthly training that is delivered by certified and experienced instructors. Recruit Training All new recruits receive comprehensive firefighter training. The current program is 56 days spread over 28 weeks. The training includes proctored testing from The Office of the Fire Marshal and Emergency Management (OFMEM) and Academic Standards & Evaluation (AS&E) to certify those that successfully complete the training program as an NFPA Firefighter I/II. |
Additional Resources |
Firefighter Training and Certification |
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