The Township of Springwater is responsible for nearly 442 km of road, 44 km of sidewalk and numerous streetlights, roadside ditches and municipal drains. We maintain and construct roads according to the Township's Engineering Standards.
Construction and Closures
Welcome to the Township's road construction projects section, where members of the community can keep informed about ongoing and upcoming road improvements happening in Springwater. These road projects aim to address infrastructure needs, enhance safety, and improve the overall quality of life for residents and visitors alike. The Township understands that construction activities may cause temporary disruptions and appreciate your patience and cooperation as the work gets completed to enhance our township's transportation network. Stay tuned for updates and announcements regarding road closures, alternate routes, and progress reports on these important projects.
Finlay Mill Road from Cowdray Park Lane to Spence Avenue |
Location: Finlay Mill Road from 72 m north of Cowdray Park Lane to 99 m north of Spence Avenue (351 m)4
Project Start: January 15, 2025 Project Estimated End Date: March 15, 2025 Project Description: The eastbound lane of Finlay Mill Road will be closed for directional drilling works by Earth Boring. |
Midhurst Development Project
View past and current public notices for the Midhurst Development Project, communicated by the developer in partnership with the Township. For more information on the Midhurst Development Project visit Current Development.
Midhurst Construction Update - August 30 |
Ongoing infrastructure works are taking place in the Midhurst area. The planned works includes sanitary forcemain and utility installation. Construction is ongoing and is anticipated to continue through to 2025.
Additionally, temporary traffic signals have been installed at the intersection of Gill Road/Doran Road/Street and Vincent Street. These signals will remain in place through mid to late September. To accommodate construction, related traffic control measures are required along these stretches of road. When detour routes are required, they will be appropriately signed. |
Public Notices |
County of Simcoe Road Projects
To view County of Simcoe road projects, including the construction, rehabilitation and reconstruction or roads, bridge, culverts and roundabouts, visit the dedicated road projects page on the County of Simcoe's website.
Seasonal load restrictions
As of April 18, 2024, all load restrictions on Township roads have been lifted. Thank you to our community for helping us maintain our road network. The reduced load period in Springwater began on March 1 and ended on April 30 as per By-law 2009-079. The imposed weight restriction was implemented to protect the structural integrity of our roads during spring thaw, when road damage is most likely to occur.
Excess load/size permits |
An excess load permit allows companies to move oversized loads on Township of Springwater roads that exceed the Ministry of Transportation accepted limits by height, length, width or weight. Submit an excess load application form with the fee to the Public Works department. |
Entrance permits
Any new or revised entrance to a road requires an entrance permit prior to construction. Township permits cost $109.50 per entrance.
- Entrance permit application for Township roads
- Entrance Permit By-law 2005-38
Depending on where the road is, you may need to apply for an entrance permit for County roads or an entrance permit for provincial highways through the Ministry of Transportation.
Traffic calming
Our Traffic Calming Policy and Speed Limit Review Policy outline how staff and Council handle traffic calming requests related to public safety. Examples of requests include signage, community safety zones, or speed bumps.
A traffic calming request may be submitted using the online form or by submitting Appendix A of the Traffic Calming Guide.
Driveway culverts and headwalls
Property owners are responsible for the installation, maintenance and replacement of driveway culverts for privately-owned homes and commercial properties.
If you spot a streetlight that isn't working correctly, please report it to the Public Works Department with the address, location and details of the streetlight.
If you have incurred costs or damages for which you believe the Township of Springwater may be responsible, you may consider your claim through our online reporting tool. In some cases, you are required to place the Township of Springwater on notice within 10 days of the accident.
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