Springwater Council has a Mayor, Deputy Mayor and five ward Councillors. Residents throughout the entire municipality elect the Mayor and Deputy Mayor. Councillors are elected by the ward they represent.
Council meetings are regularly scheduled on the first and third Wednesday of the month (with the exceptions of July, August and December) and special council meetings can occur at other times.
Members of council
Mayor Jennifer Coughlin |
W. 705-728-4784 x2020 C. 705-321-9272 My husband Mark and I feel blessed to be raising our daughters in Anten Mills, in the Coughlin home that has seen four generations raised before ours. Our community is a part of who we are: we live here, we work here, and we play here. It is with sincere gratitude that I thank you for the opportunity to give back and contribute to the thriving future of our municipality. With enthusiasm and passion, I will continue to be responsive to residents, network and educate myself, ensuring that when representing Springwater Township I am effective and informed. I am excited to work with and learn from Springwater's dynamic staff, continuing to execute sustainable solutions as we work together to ensure the vitality of our Township. I truly believe that the future belongs to those who prepare for it today! |
Deputy Mayor George Cabral |
W. 705-728-4784 x2020 H. 705-322-0276 I moved my family to Springwater over thirty years ago to enjoy the wonderful lifestyle that the Village of Elmvale, and the surrounding area, affords everyone in combining its unique small town charm with a vibrant rural farming community. My two children grew up here, attended school here, and continue to maintain close connections here. My spouse and I are proud to live here, and cherish the relationships we've built along the way. Over the years I've been involved with Scouts Canada, Elmvale figure skating, community fundraisers, and for eight years, I was the Director of the Ontario Police Badge Ride, a charity motorcycle event here in Simcoe County. I'm a retired career police officer, having served the community for 32 years. For two of those years, I was seconded as an instructor to the Ontario Police College and later on instructed part-time in the Police Foundation program with Georgian College. My experience in community service and building community partnerships serves me well to unite and engage others in moving forward. I pride myself on being fair, respectful, and open-minded. I'm grateful to our community for all its given my family over the years, and I feel privileged to be afforded the opportunity to continue in service to our community. I will work diligently in providing our residents with the services, facilities, and infrastructure they want and need in a fiscally responsible manner. |
Ward 1 Councillor Matt Garwood |
W. 705-728-4784 x2020 C. 705-717-1707 My wife Danielle, our two children and I are proud to live in the Village of Elmvale. I grew up on a farm in Phelpston and have always called Springwater home. We truly enjoy living in Elmvale and feel confident raising our family here. I believe it is important to love where you live and know our children will feel the same. Springwater is a place for recreation, community involvement and hometown traditions. It is a true privilege to experience all that Springwater has to offer, whether it be exploring our trails or visiting our incredible Elmvale business community for shopping, there is truly something for everyone. I believe in fostering an environment of accountability and transparency while building trust within our community. As Ward One Councillor, I will work to champion unity on Council and collaborate with Township staff, community stakeholders and residents to further the future of our municipality. Working in the public sector for an educational institution, volunteering on community boards such as the Flos Agricultural Society and the Elmvale Maple Syrup Committee, or advocating for our agricultural industry as the Agricultural Director for our fair district, provides a foundation to enthusiastically serve our Township. I am honoured to have been elected Ward One Councillor, and to have the opportunity to be your voice and advocate on Council. |
Ward 2 Councillor Danielle Alexander |
W. 705-728-4784 x2020 C. 705-333-3116 I have been fortunate to live and raise my family in Phelpston for over 17 years. Upon moving to Phelpston, one of the first things my husband and I noticed was the strong sense of community. Many of our friends and neighbours have truly become our family. The values instilled in this community is what pushed me to become involved in local events, organizations and eventually my decision to run for Council. I have had the opportunity to serve on the Phelpston Community Recreation Association for over 10 years, serving as chair for 6 of those years. Professionally, I have a degree in Business Administration from Simon Fraser University in BC. I have spent the majority of my career in the health care industry, with a focus on business and system operations. I am confident my experience in leading both medium and large scale projects will help me to move the business of the Township forward in an efficient and fiscally responsible manner. I am honoured to have the opportunity to represent Ward 2. I will diligently work to be your voice and advocate for your needs, while always being transparent and accountable to the residents of Springwater. |
Ward 3 Councillor Brad Thompson |
W. 705-728-4784 x2020 C. 705-725-3982 My wife Joanne and I are happy residents of Anten Mills. We were attracted to Springwater’s open spaces and amazing lifestyle. We arrived from Barrie in 2007. We are parents of two boys and grandparents to five. We feel fortunate that our children received their education locally, were able to find good jobs and settle in Simcoe County. I retired in 2012 after a successful career as a business owner. Our family enjoys our libraries and outdoor trail systems and are frequent users. I am an avid tennis, pickle ball player and love the outdoors. I am always looking for a new challenge and opportunity to grow. I am excited to work with our new Council and Township office staff to help provide a prosperous future for our residents. |
Ward 4 Councillor Anita Moore |
W. 705-728-4784 x2020 H. 705-725-1347 My husband Mike and I relocated to the Grenfel area in 1989 to raise our family of 3 boys. Living in a small rural community that values family, volunteerism, looking out for neighbours and pitching in to help others when needed is what pushed me to want to preserve the integrity and special charm that Springwater offers. In my professional role, I graduated from Ryerson University with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (RN) and have spent my nursing career working in the public sector assisting patients and their families navigate the health care system. Managing these responsibilities requires fiscal accountability, equity of services and ethical decision making – not unlike decisions faced by a municipal Councillor. Preparing for this role I was also an appointed member of the Committee of Adjustment for the previous term making decisions related to planning applications. I feel privileged to have been re-elected as Councillor for Ward 4 and I am excited to continue work on projects that will afford future generations the same quality of life that has been enjoyed thus far. I love living in Springwater Township and will work hard with the other Council members and staff to ensure that the decisions we make will always consider the residents first while protecting and preserving our unique diversity found throughout the Township. |
Ward 5 Councillor Phil Fisher |
W. 705-728-4784 x2020 C. 705-984-1982 My wife Sarah and I have called Midhurst home for nearly ten years with our three children Terry, Isabel, and Ellie. Raising our family in Springwater was the right choice and I personally feel a strong dedication to our community. I have a strong belief that community service strengthens our communities. I am a member of the local Midhurst Community Recreation Association (MCRA) organizing events that benefit both our community and Springwater. Organizing the Midhurst Soap Box Derby after a two-year hiatus was important to me as it brought parents and children in the community back together. My family and I enjoy being part of our community spirit. I have been part of a dedicated volunteer group clearing and icing the local pavilion rink in Midhurst. So many of the good things in our community come from volunteers and I am proud to be one of them. We need representation with private sector experience, negotiation ability, and proven success working in a team environment. With a firm knowledge of budgeting and finance I know I can tackle issues on Council that affect you and your family. I graduated from Northwood University in Michigan and Georgian College for Automotive Business. I am humbled that ward five has chosen me to be their representative on Springwater’s Council. I am dedicated to working collectively with other Council members to achieve the best possible outcomes for residents and taxpayers. |
Springwater has five wards. Use the County of Simcoe's interactive ward map by searching your address or view our ward boundaries map.
Council discretionary funds
The Council Discretionary Funds Policy provides each member of Council an annual allotment of up to $4,000 to support eligible recipients for community initiatives, including events, programs, projects, activities, services or causes, which in the opinion of Council would be meaningful, beneficial and worthwhile to residents of their ward or the Township as a whole. The funds will not be available or carried forward in a municipal election year. Any request for funds will be considered and approved by Council as a whole.
Mayor Coughlin | ||||||||||||
Deputy Mayor Cabral | ||||||||||||
Ward 1 Councillor Garwood | ||||||||||||
Ward 2 Councillor Alexander | ||||||||||||
Ward 3 Councillor Thompson | ||||||||||||
Ward 4 Councillor Moore | ||||||||||||
Ward 5 Councillor Fisher | ||||||||||||
Event and certificate requests
If you're a resident of Springwater and celebrating a special event, let us know! The Township will provide a certificate and letter of congratulations from the Mayor for:
- Graduations
- 50th birthdays or higher
- Wedding anniversaries
- Anniversaries of being in business
Pin requests
You can get up to two Township pins at the municipal office on a one-time basis (subject to availability). Members of teams, groups or organizations from the Township can get 10 pins for trading with other participants at events. See our Pin Distribution Policy for details.
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