The Township of Springwater encourages property owners to meet with their neighbours before constructing a division or line fence to discuss design and cost.
The Line Fences Act provides a procedure for the resolution of line fence disputes between owners of adjoining properties. The Act does not deal with disputes about fences that are not on the boundary line. Council appoints individuals to act as “fence-viewers” who help arbitrate in situations where:
- No fence currently exists at the boundary between the two properties, and one owner wants to construct a new fence
- A line fence already exists, and one owner believes that it needs repair or reconstruction
A municipality cannot determine the location of the boundary between two properties. This is a civil matter that must be settled by the owners. For more information, please read the Line Fences Act Guidebook or contact the Clerk's Department at 705-728-4784 x2304 to arrange for a viewing.
Fences and swimming pools
Our Pool By-law 1995-024 requires the installation of fences around all in-ground pools. Above-ground pools may not require a fence if:
- The outside wall of the swimming pool is elevated at least 1.2 metres above the finished grade of the adjacent 4 feet of ground next to the pool wall
- The ladder is removable or lockable
- No wall to the swimming pool facilitates climbing
Hot tubs and spas do not require a fence as long as it has a lockable lid that remains locked when the hot tub or spa is not in use. Please contact the Building Department at 705-728-4784 x2017 for fence specifications and more information.
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